At, we wanted to get a pulse on the most popular destinations among US travelers using the search phrase “where to go.” Using a renowned keyword research tool ahrefs, we analyzed data from the past 12 months to identify the most-searched countries and cities by US-based users.
Top 29 Most Popular Countries for US Travelers: Where They’re Planning to Go
- Italy
- Mexico
- Spain
- Canada
- Japan
- Portugal
- Thailand
- Greece
- France
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Australia
- Vietnam
- Costa Rica
- Philippines
- Ireland
- New Zealand
- Puerto Rico
- Croatia
- Colombia
- Turkey
- Indonesia
- India
- Morocco
- Panama
- Bahamas
- Argentina
- Iceland
- Belize
Top Cities US Travelers Are Most Curious About
- New York
- Los Angeles
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- Miami
- Chicago
- Orlando
- Seattle
- Las Vegas
- Boston
- Austin
- Portland
- Philadelphia
- Washington, D.C.
- Denver
- Atlanta
- Rome
- Paris
- Barcelona
- Tokyo
- Dublin
- Nashville
- Houston
- Tampa
- Brooklyn
- Sicily
- Hawaii
- Maine
- New Orleans
Our findings reveal the allure of iconic cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Rome, alongside a significant interest in scenic countries such as Italy, Mexico, and Japan. This shows that while Americans continue to be captivated by the charm of domestic and international metropolises, they also yearn for diverse travel experiences across the globe.
American Travelers in 2024: Increased Spending and More Trips Abroad
In 2024, American travelers are poised to spend more on international travel, with 54% planning to increase the number of trips compared to 2023. About 56% intend to allocate more funds for travel, and 72% of respondents expect to spend over $2,000 per trip, with 48% budgeting at least $4,000. In 2023, Americans averaged 2.1 trips, with 36% taking three or more leisure trips. This trend highlights a significant commitment to international exploration and higher spending for travel experiences in 2024.